
If it's December 16, it must mean . . .

Psssst . . . . Hey you!
Birthday Girl!


Yes, you, three-year-old Lindsay.
You sure look cute on your birthday!

Would you mind doing a little favor for Mommy?

Mommy needs to hold
a drawing for the

Small Works Holiday
Spectacular Giveaway!

And since it's your birthday today,
I thought you might like to help.

Help you, Mommy?
Can I bring my Santa Bear?

Of course!
Now I just need to put
all 21 names in this . . .

Festive Bowl of Holiday Fun!

Okay, Mom -- I'll make you proud.

Hi, Blog Friends! Welcome to the

Small Works Holiday
Spectacular Giveaway!

I'm your host,
three-year-old Lindsay!

Even though the internet hasn't been invented yet,
I'll be pleased to draw the name
of the lucky winner.

Here goes . . .

(Wow, three-year-old Lindsay . . . what big hands you have!)

And the winner is . . .


Will you read it, Mom?
I'm only three.

Sure, Honey -- I'd be happy to.

And the winner is:

Jill at Whimsey Creations!
Send me your contact info, Jill, and I'll speed
an ornament to your tree lickety-split!

Oh, gee whiz --
since it's Christmas,
why not pick two winners?

And it's Mandi,
way out in beautiful California!
Santa's on his way to your house, too!

Oh, and BTW --

Happy 27th Birthday,
Miss Lindsay!

(you have made me proud.)


Judy said...

I know that little girl! Happy late birthday, Lindsay!

Unknown said...

Aw thanks for drawing my name Lindsay! LOL Susan I'm honored and sent you an email with my address. Merry Christmas!

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